Our Bronze Features

Appointment Confirmation

  • Confirm appointment one business day in advance.
  • Conducted during normal business hours.
  • Contact patient via phone and /or SMS.
  • Update EMR/ PMS when patients reply.
  • Reschedule appointment when necessary.
  • Send personalized text messages as may be requested by practices.
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Eligibility & Benefits Verification

Patient Demographic Validation

  • Confirm eligibility and benefits three business days in advance.
  • Obtain new or replacement insurance carrier from patient.
  • Update EMR/ PMS with new insurance carrier information, policy, or both.

Coverage Validation

  • Benefits Validation.
  • Benefits Validation.
    • Determine copays.
    • Determine deductible (met or unmet).
    • Determine coinsurance.
  • Update billing software.
  • Communicate to practice via EMR / scheduler notes.
  • Advise reception of the actual amount to be collected from the patient at time of check-in. (i.e., past due balances plus any co-pays and deductibles.)
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  • EMR/ PMS ownership lies with the Practice.
  • All additional third-party payments to be billed as per actual, such as clearing house charges, patient statement vendor, etc.
  • Physician has access to a dedicated Account Manager at Billing Advisors (By Phone) 24 hours & 7 days a week.
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The Fee for Service is based on an hourly rate, for the number of assigned staff, for a full 8 hour day, for the days your practice has scheduled patients. The rate charged is determined by totaling all the appointments for which our service was provided and dividing by the number of days that patients were scheduled.

The invoice is issued on the first of each month for services render for the previous month and payable upon receipt.